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prism lacquers logo design file_faq image.png

The client

The founder of Prism Lacquers, is on a mission to bring brown women quality nail polishes that wonโ€™t compromise their standards or beliefs.  Her brand truly embraces the idea of conscience beauty while offering shades and hues that cater to women of color.


The task

Develop an edgy, high-end brand identity that is easily adaptable for physical retail packaging and a digital presence.

solid taupe banner image_solid banner image.png

The process

The final look

The client was inspired by mandalas which I instantly used as a central concept for the finished designs.  I created a custom mandala that can be used in many applications. 

I always start with rough sketches usually with pen and paper, but since the colors and textures mattered quite a bit, I completed my rough sketches using Procreate.  Depending on the situation, Iโ€™ll sometimes share very early sketches if I feel the client is able to focus on concepts versus finished looks.  Being able to do that with Ashley, cut down tremendously on edit rounds of the logo.


  • Brand identity system

  • Brand story development

  • Corporate asset design

Tools used

  • Procreate

  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe Photoshop

prism lacquers logo design file_faq image.png